yup, I failed....and thought I did so good. Not until I calculated my points did I realize that OMG this was bad. 60 points I ate for the day. I am pretty embarrased. When you have to calculate every single little thing that goes into your month, it really makes you truly stop, think and take ownership. Take my glass (2 cups roughly) of 3/4 white. milk and 1/4 choc. milk. That alone was 5 points. I had already eaten my breakfast b4 I could calculate it for the day and that hurt me. Supper, I knew it was going to be bad but I went through with it anyway. Snacking... all I have to say about this is D.A.M.N. I made oatmeal raisin cookies and had a few b4 I packaged them.... I calculated high points there... better to be over than under!!!!!! It's a learning process and I just need to stick through it, thick or thin (NO pun intended LOL)
Tomorrow is a new day and another new start. I'm still not going to give up... Let's hope tomorrow is a nice day out and I can take my girls out in the stroller. It has to be nice enough out to take Pepper b/c she is a bit too young yet to be breathing in that cold air, besides, the exercise will be refreshing and do me a ton of good!!!
One thing I have started is a booklet of things I eat on a regular basis. I write down what the item is... how many carbs, fats, protien, and fibre each thing has..... its serving size, and points. This way I can quickly look it up and dont have to spend time looking for things in other books or the internet and calculating the points value everytime...This way it's right at the end of my finger tips.. So far I am finding it very helpful. A bit time consuming to be writing but if it helps me, then it is so well worth it.
Let's hope tomorrow goes a bit better than today and even yesterday.
Learn from today and do better tomorrow--thats all we can do! I know for me these last few days have been off tha chain! Ive been stress eating like crazy!