Overall, I had another successful day.... I had points left over and even said "no" a few times...It was hard but I managed to work through it... I would've chewed more gum to help my cravings tonight but dang, my teeth are still sore from that cleaning yesterday LOL.
I have a thought to ponder... WW seems to be revolving around Jen Hudson and all this weight she lost... (I'm thrilled for her, she must be above the moon) well what about all the other women who have lost under and over what she has lost. Why is she so important? celebrity figure I guess. I give credit to all my friends who are succeeding and trying, we are ALL just as important and she is NO different than any of us. The attention on her seems to be a bit much...that's all. Am I wrong? I would also like to see new WW commercials (or Jenny for that matter) involving everyday people... That would make it more "real life" for me.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring... More positive eating habits I hope. I felt pretty good today, still tired/had a nap but I enjoy it! LOL
mood: content
Congrats on the great day!!! U know ww actually did have some everyday people on sum of their commercials promoting the new points plus system! I think some of them are still in rotation. :)