I think for me to be successful in my change of eating habits I need to love myself..I can say, I don't at this time. If I did, then I don't think I would eat like I do. I have changed some eating habits since starting WW... like, not eating after supper (which is usually over by 5:30) or drink juice...I mainly drink water and a glass of milk during the day. I did buy a case of no caffine diet coke about 10 days ago...I have one at night when I sit down at my computer..almost done the case and then I`ll be back to water. Juice has a high amount of hidden sugars in it and I dont want to use my points up on juice! I can use my points up just fine without the juice.
I really do want Sun. to be the beginning of my new week. I need to get out of this slump I am in because it`s killing me inside. I feel like a horrible mom when my daughter wants to play catch with me and I have to sit on the couch because it`s more comfortable!! WTH!!!!!!! my legs are aching at the moment and are stiff because I have started to take my girls out walking...they partly hurt because of the girls lying on my nerves in my legs when I was pregnant with them....the stiffness will eventually go away, it took a yr with Bridjette, not so long with Pepper and I tell ya...I`ll be one happy chick when they don`t hurt. Getting outside is also getting my mind working and let`s me think more clearly. I get motivated when I am out, then when I get back inside, it`s a gloomy place, so I start to think gloomy. I love my house, don`t get me wrong, but because I have no energy I am slacking in the ``clean up my house`` departmnent...When I do clean it, B comes right behind me messing it up again.. I feel like all I do is clean my house and you would never know it! The upside to it, is atleast Bridjette is having fun!!!!!
Well...until I write again... CHOW!
hey... u know that song by Pink. Fìng Perfect!!! Even though the song is about skinny people... I totally relate to it as an obese person....who thinks I am perfect I say to myself, well when I sit and truly think about it
....to me...
my girls think I am perfect, their minds are so pure and not poisoned by todays standards and see me for the person I truly am....an amazing mom who loves them more than life itself!! They need me as much as I need them... (I also need my husband, he is truly my rock when I am down, thanks!!)
I`m not perfect to them but I must say I have a great group of friends!! Their support is overwhelming, even when I post that I fail on FB, they are right there telling me it`s ok and help pick me back up
mood... hopeful yet again!
I have to agree i LOVE the support that i get from the ww fb group! There are some amazing ladies over there!